“What’s my cat telling me?”

What would your pet say if they could speak? We’ll never know for sure, but we can get to know more about our pets’ moods by learning about their behaviour.

Cats express themselves with their eyes, tail, fur, mouth and posture. Here’s what they’re trying to tell you.

"I'm feeling happy and relaxed"

Body language

  • Body is relaxed and fur is smooth

  • Eyes are soft (this means they’re open or half closed, not wide and staring)

  • Tail is held straight up, sometimes is curled over at the tip


  • Walks up to you

  • Rolls over to show you their tummy. This is a sign they trust you, not always a sign they want strokes.

  • Blinks at you slowly (slowly blink back and turn your head to tell your cat you’re not a threat!)

  • Purrs with relaxed body language (purring without this body language can be a sign of stress)

  • Cats who are feeling happy and relaxed won’t mind if you sit quietly and watch them explore. If they approach you, try giving them a gentle stroke. 

"I’m feeling worried"

Body language

  • Body is tense and crouched

  • Pupils (the black part of the eyes) are wide 

  • Tail is pressed close to body

  • Ears are flat 

  • Head is lowered 


  • Stays crouched in a hiding space

  • Worried cats need space. Let them stay in their favourite hiding spot, as spaces like this help cats feel safe.

"I’m feeling angry or very unhappy"

Body language

  • Body is pressed close to the ground, held off the ground to one side or arched (cats arch their backs to make themselves look bigger and more dangerous)

  • Fur is standing on end and whiskers are pointing forwards

  • Tail is tense

  • Mouth is open and teeth are showing

  • Pupils are wide

  • Ears are flat


  • Hisses

  • Front paw is slightly raised (a sign the cat is getting ready to scratch)

  • If a cat is showing signs that they’re unhappy or angry, they’re telling you they need space or want you to go away. So keep your distance!