Animal stories

Inspiring animal stories, special interviews with RSPCA staff and supporters, and sneak peeks into life at our centres.

Animal stories

Inspiring animal stories, special interviews with RSPCA staff and supporters, and sneak peeks into life at our centres.


Share your pet!

If you’ve rescued an RSPCA animal, we’d love to hear all about them.

To see their story featured on this page, tell us a bit about their rescue story, likes, dislikes and upload a picture or two.

Test your knowledge

If humans could jump like fleas, we’d be able to hop over Big Ben

test your knowledge

Want to read more stories?

Subscribe to Animal action magazine. It’s packed with heartwarming animal rescues and rehoming stories, awesome animal facts and expert pet care advice, as well as as posters, craft activities, puzzles and competitions. We release four unique issues every year – in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 

Ask a grown-up to create a subscription for you today!