“What’s my dog telling me?”

What would your pet say if they could speak? We’ll never know for sure, but we can get to know more about our pets’ moods by learning about their behaviour. 

Dogs express themselves with their eyes, tail, fur, mouth and posture. Here’s what they’re trying to tell you.

"I'm feeling happy and relaxed"

Body language

  • Body is relaxed and fur is smooth

  • Eyes are either ‘soft’ and droopy or bright and alert

  • Ears are up or relaxed

  • Mouth is open and relaxed

  • Tail is wagging 


  • May lower the front half of their body and raise their bottom into the air. This means they want to play!

  • May bark excitedly

  • Dogs who are feeling happy and relaxed may want to play or enjoy a gentle stroke.

"I’m feeling worried"

Body language

  • Head is lowered

  • Whites of eyes are showing

  • Ears are pressed back

  • Tail is tucked between back legs


  • Avoiding eye contact

  • Yawning or licking lips

  • Raising a front paw

  • Giving a worried dog space, or getting a grownup to remove them from a stressful situation can help them calm down. If a dog grows very scared or worried, they may start pacing or shivering. 

"I’m feeling angry or very unhappy"

Body language

  • Body is stiff and tense

  • Eyes are dark and staring

  • Ears are flat or standing up

  • Teeth are showing or nose is wrinkled

  • Fur is standing on end 

  • Tail is stiff or tucked between legs


  • Leaning forward

  • Cowering against the ground

  • Growling or snarling

  • If a dog is showing signs that they’re unhappy or angry, they’re telling you they need space or want you to go away. So keep your distance!