Make doggy ice cream

Your dog might look longingly at your Mr Whippy but don’t be tempted to give them a lick - human ice cream is really not good for them. There’s no need for our furry friends to miss out though - these frozen treats will hit the spot!

Before you get started

What you will need

  • 3-4 ripe bananas
  • 1 can coconut milk or dairy-free coconut yoghurt 
  • About 200g peanut butter
  • Small bone-shaped biscuits
  • Some silicone cupcake or ice cube trays

  • Note: Make sure products don’t contain the sweetener xylitol as it’s poisonous to dogs



Chop the bananas

Chop up your bananas into chunks. 

Blend the mixture

Blend the bananas, coconut milk/yoghurt and peanut butter. If you don’t have a blender, you can use a bowl and fork to mash the ingredients together.

Put it in the freezer

Pour the mixture into your trays and place them in the freezer until they’re partly frozen (usually about an hour).

Add a dog biscuit

Take them out of the freezer carefully and push a dog bone biscuit into each one, like a lolly stick!

Put back in the freezer

Put them back in the freezer until they’re completely solid.

Store your ice cream

Once they’re frozen, you can pop the ‘ice creams’ out of their trays, put them into plastic containers or bags and store them in the freezer. 

Give to your dog!

Don’t forget to give one to your dog to try!

Share your creations

If you had fun with this project, we’d love to see the end results! Send us a picture of your finished craft for a chance to appear on our online gallery.